Table of contents

1. About WhiteNote Library
2. Available Books
3. Helping WhiteNote Library
4. Other Resources

1. About WhiteNote Library

You can send us Music XML files that you create or find on the internet here to be put for public use.

We don't have any responsibility about the content or legal rights of presented files, but we will do our best to check the content and applicability of copyright law.

2. Available books

Currently the only availble book is:

3. Available Selections

Each selection includes up to 20 XMLs, mostly sent by users:

4. Helping WhiteNote Library

You can send us your Music XML files to be put for public use here. If you are starting a new book, please tell us to inform others so that it won't be redundunt work.

Contact us at

4. Other Sources

Here are some good sources for Music XML files taken from